Thursday, August 30, 2012

Republican Convention Begins

Mitt Romney becomes the Republican Party’s official candidate in the race against President Obama
By Scholastic News Kid Reporters Topanga Sena and Shelby Fallin

After the first day of the Republican National Convention was cancelled due to Tropical Storm (now Hurricane) Isaac, the party got started in a big way on Tuesday. Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were the biggest names in a night of heavy-hitter speakers.

Romney spoke about her 42-year marriage to the presidential candidate, saying they did not have a storybook relationship. “We had a real marriage,” she said, noting their lives of raising five sons and her battles against breast cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

Mrs. Romney mostly left politics out of her speech.

“Tonight, I want to talk about love,” she said. She talked about how the couple jumped into marriage as college students, living in a basement apartment. “Our desk was a door propped up on sawhorses; our dining room table was a fold down ironing board in the kitchen,” she said. “Those were very special days.”

She quickly moved on to outlining her husband’s successes as a businessman.

“He is successful at everything he does,” she said, as she wrapped up her speech.

As delegates jumped to their feet applauding, her husband surprised her on stage with a hug and kiss.

They then took seats in the audience to listen to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s keynote address, the final speech of the first night of the convention.

Christie began his speech in support of Romney’s presidency by talking about his own background, a similar theme with every speaker last night.

“I am the son of an Irish father and a Sicilian mother,” he said. “Mom was tough as nails and didn't suffer fools at all. The truth was she couldn't afford to. She spoke the truth—bluntly, directly, and without much varnish.”

That’s a characteristic Christie is also famous for, which proved true as he took on the Democratic administration’s handling of health care legislation and the national debt. He drove home the evening’s message of “We Built It,” by defining a list of differences between the Republican and Democratic party philosophies.

"We believe in telling seniors the truth about our overburdened entitlements," he said. "They believe seniors will always put themselves ahead of their grandchildren."


Ann Romney’s job as one of the main speakers of the night was to give a human face to the Republican candidate. According to the response from delegates in the hall, she succeeded.

“I loved Ann Romney’s speech,” said Marcia Silva, a delegate from New Jersey. “It definitely showed a softer side of Mitt Romney that a lot of people didn’t know. I cried at times.”

Delegates also seemed inspired by Christie's speech as they filed out of the convention center after the speech, which ended around 11 p.m.

“When he was talking about some of the problems that we have right now and what we need to do to correct them, I think he was very straightforward with it and that’s a good thing," said California delegate Maurice Lieberman. "We need more of that.”

Victor Marani, also a delegate from California, agreed.

“Governor Christie is the most genuine person you are ever going to see in politics," he told Scholastic News. "He’s straightforward, he tells it to you the way it is, and he speaks right to you, which is very important."

The Scholastic News Kids Press Corps will be at the Republican National Convention and will have all the latest news from the convention floor. Stay tuned to the Scholastic News Kids Press Corps Blog and the Election 2012 website for the most up-to-date stories, videos, and interviews from Tampa!

Keep up with all the latest election news on the Election 2012 website.

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